Need help with your next load test? Give us a call!
We have all the equipment to make the job easy. We have a crane, platforms, motorized test carts, spreader beams, rigging and trucks that come to you. This puts all of our 250,000 lbs of certified weights together for one easy, and fast test.
Cream City Scale works with numerous crane service companies, material handlers and maintenance departments to assist in the load testing of overhead cranes, jib cranes, hoists, chain falls, elevators, and industrial lifting equipment.
Load test of a 240,000 lbs crane at 105% capacity 252,000 lbs of weight.
Operational and Load Tests: Critical for Crane Safety.
For the safety and productivity of your employees and workplace, it’s of critical importance to know that new or newly repaired or modernized lifting equipment is in proper working order—before you put it into service. This section defines required pre-service operational testing and load testing.
OSHA 1910.179 Overhead & Gantry Cranes Regulations
(the following excerpt taken directly from OSHA 1910.179)
Rated load tests shall not be more than 125 percent of the rated load unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer. These test reports shall be placed on file where readily available to appointed personnel.
When it comes to safety in your facility, you can’t afford to overlook any part of the equipment inspection and maintenance process—and that includes testing of equipment before you begin using it in your operations.

120 ton crane @ 252,000 lbs

137,500 lb – 55-ton Crane
at 125% Capacity

25,000 lb – 10-Ton Crane
at 125% Capacity

4,000 lb – 2-Ton Jib Crane
to 100% Capacity